Sunday, August 26, 2012


30 years ago today I was born to the earth.  It wasn't much a different feeling other than "holy crap I'm 30" kind of thinking.  But it just seemed like another day.  Nothing special about it.  My boyfriend took me to lunch before work and my boss allowed me the day off but there is nothing different.  No magical light and song to signify I have reached 30 years on this earth.

I image this is how a cat feels.  Each is not really all that different unless they find something new to explore like my cats finding a new hole.  I know there are some people who throw birthday parties for their pets, but honestly I don't know our cat's birthdays..I don't even remember exact dates we got them.  I know I got Falcor in July and Orion in November.  Not sure when Tom got Pop-eye.  But the cats don't really care that we don't know their birthdays.  I have to wonder, why is it so important to us to have other people remember and celebrate our birthdays?  Is it because we celebrate how many years we have been on the earth, that through everything life threw at us, we are still here willing to continue the journey?

Why is it that birthdays are so important to humans?  I find it odd that I didn't care that it is my birthday, is it because I am at that age when birthdays don't really matter to me.  I know girls who get angry when their boyfriends don't get them anything or when friends forget birthdays.  I am not one of those girls/people.  I think I have been around my cats too much that it doesn't matter too much to me anymore that a day is the day I was born.  I really am turning into a catgirl...nyan!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Popeye has come to realize what the lazer pointer is.  Whenever we bring it out, he looks at the pointer then back to the floor.  He knows that little thing is where the dot comes from and he loves to play with it. Even though he knows what it is and knows that we are the ones who control the little green dot, he still amuses us when he plays with it.

I don't think we take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life like playing with our cats.  How often to people stop and enjoy a good amount of time playing with a cat?  like an hour or so?  It does wonders for the soul I think.  Enjoy the video of Popeye running circles after the green dot...poor thing makes himself dizzy.