Wednesday, July 18, 2012


 In November of 2011 we adopted Orion into our family.  He was so shy and needed love and a happy home, so we gave it to him.  Right off the bat he bonded with the other cats.  They became brothers immediately.   It isn't unusual to see the cats laying together, Falcor at times has his paw draped over Orion as if he was hugging him.  There are times all three cats are laying beside each other enjoying one another.  They also fight and play much like siblings do.  Falcor is the cat that cries in attempts to get the other one in trouble...I admit I was the one who did this when I was younger and wrestled with my brother.  The boys act as if they had been a part of the same litter.  Together since the time they were born.  I love coming into the room and seeing them sleeping with one another and cuddled together.

 As humans we tend to forget the importance of having family around us.  We allow rifts and grudges to come in between the people we should be holding dearest to us.  Many find pleasure in causing harm to family rather than being the safe refuge as we should be.  I personally cannot imagine life without my family, especially my older brother.  In the past we have had our differences.  At times we would have bitten each others' heads off and when we fight we go all out.  No holds bar.  But when it comes down to it, I would honestly be lost without him in my life.   We tend to forget that sometimes all we have in this world is our family. Someone who is there to support us and love us.  We tend to take that for granted sometimes.  We allow ourselves to drift away from those people; including aunts and uncles.  There are people who don't know who these people are.

I know there is the saying that we hurt the people we love the most and that are closest to us, that would explain  why we tend to hurt our family so much.  Recently one of my cousin's daughters went to college.  Not only is my cousin torn up about but so is her other daughter.  The two girls have been best friends all their lives, inseperable and now they have forced to learn how to live apart.  I remember a time when it was like that for all families.  I even consider my brother my best friend.  We grew up together, we've been there through the toughest times life thrown at us.  But there are also the people we adopt into our family, friends who have become more than just friends.  I have a few friends whom I view as sisters because we have grown as close as a sister would be.  Even then we tend to hurt them and betray them.  Why, I wonder.
Family is a unit that should be cherished and treasured, not shoved and pushed aside and forgotten about.

It will be a year in November since we brought Orion in, and I have to say I couldn't imagine seperating the three cats now.  They have come to depend and rely on one another for comfort, companionship and more.  Isn't that how we should be with our family?

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