Thursday, June 14, 2012

Attempt the Impossible

When Tom and I first moved in with each other I had a beautiful white fluffy cat named Cuddles.  She was an older cat, about 17 years old or so.  She was content at being alone and not really being bothered unless she wanted to be pet.  That was not in Pop-eye's plans.  Being a young cat that he is, he wanted to play with her and give her attention.  Every time he did so resulted in the same way, her growling and hissing at him, and him booping her on the head.  That of course made her hiss some more and growl more.  But Pop-eye did not care.  He persevered and at every chance he got he would try to make her play with him or at least accept his presence, even if that meant cornering her in the kitchen under the table (he did and we do have video).  Pop-eye did not give up, he kept at it and attempted what seemed to be impossible.  One day while Cuddles was on the futon sleeping he crept up and laid beside her and sniffed.  She didn't hiss or growl, she just looked at him and turned away.

Too often when we are faced with something that seems impossible, we give up.  We deem it impossible and stop trying to achieve our goals.  When something seems impossible we need to try every day to make the impossible become possible.  We need to persevere and strive to achieve the goals that we set for ourselves, or else we would not be happy, and feel we just gave in.  I think we give up too often in life.  We get discouraged and throw in the towel.  Not the cat, he stuck to making Cuddles tolerate him and in the end she would lay with him.  Sure she didn't play the way he wanted her to play, but she would lay on the futon with him and let him nuzzle her.  That's a step toward the right direction right?  She died after 4 months of introducing them together, who knows with a little more time she could have been playing with him in the living room, instead of hiding and hissing anytime he walked by.  If Pop-eye didn't try to play with her at least twice a day she might not have allowed him to lay with her.

We need to attempt the impossible more often and try show that the impossible is in deed possible with a little hard work and determination.  It seems as if no one wants to work hard or have the determination anymore. There are many things that people set out to do and accomplish but give up halfway through because it seems to be impossible to succeed.  If we saw things through to the end I wonder what state the world would be in right now.

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